The Minnesota Grizzly Bear

Roaring about life since 2009

Ethics + Defense Contractors? no problem!

This story meshes nicely with my previous entry about the comments of Representative Duncan and the anti-Conservative nature of war.  The exaltation of constant warfare is antithetical to our core Republican values of limited government, fiscal responsibility and the preservation of life and liberty.  Now we’ve even got John McCain saying these “Defense Contractors” might not be good for America! 

Unfortunately, his remedy for the situation is to rewrite the ethical rules regarding DoD interaction with contractors because “[t]he important thing is that they avoid the appearance of conflict.”

McCain wants review on defense work by retired brass

Conflict with who?  The ethical rules of our military personnel?  Don’t whitewash the situation, if these contractors are unethically exploiting their relationship with the military, there should be no reward for them.  End of story.

Also: McCain: Interests of Defense Contractors May Conflict with US National Interest


Have it good,


November 19, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Bob Barr on Gun Control

Again, I repeat my distaste of using the deaths of U.S. soldiers to prove a political point, especially when the tragedy at Ft. Hood is still a fresh and open wound on our American psyche, but this needs to be said.  And Bob Barr said it pretty good right here:

 In the case of Ft. Hood, it is important to bear in mind that since 1993, thanks to a policy ordered by then-President Bill Clinton, it has been essentially unlawful for individuals on military bases to carry firearms unless they are military police, or are training in firearms at a firing range.  Many of those who support this gun-free military base policy have reacted to calls to review it, by simply echoing the standard refrain of gun-control advocates that, “we don’t want everyone on a military base running around with a gun on their hip.”  (Of course, had this been the case at Ft. Hood, it is doubtful Maj. Hasan could have squeezed off more than a couple of rounds before being himself felled by an armed soldier.)  It is a false dichotomy that we either allow no one (except MPs) or everyone on military bases to possess firearms.  Rather, the debate should center on why is it made virtually impossible for any soldier on a military base to carry arms, even if they have in fact been properly vetted and trained in their use?

Time to revisit firearms policies on military posts

The part that makes me really think is this one, about the military and individual rights:

Why, after all, should a citizen be forced to surrender his or her right to keep and bear arms, simply because they have entered military service; service expressly supposed to teach the proper and safe use of firearms? 

It’s a well-known fact that when you sign up to serve you’re held to a very different set of rules.  It’s a crime to disobey.  A crime to backtalk a superior.  Adultery is still a crime in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)!  So the question is, how different do the rules that were designed to uphold military cohesion and discipline really need to be?  How different should they be?  What are the possible arguments for preventing the men from carrying firearms?

Yeah, I’m a young’un, I had no idea it was Clinton’s idea to ban guns on bases.  This article has more to say about the Clinton-era policy:

Military base gun ban imposed by Bill Clinton

The wife of one of the soldiers shot at Fort Hood understands all too well. In an interview on CNN Monday night, Anchor John Roberts asked Mandy Foster how she felt about her husband’s upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Ms. Foster responded: “At least he’s safe there and he can fire back, right?”

Ouch, that’s got to hurt our American pride.  Our Soldiers are safer over in the deadly wastes of terrorst-infested Afghanistan than they are on their own bases in the United States.  This is an insult to our country and our military personnel that needs to stop right now.  Are you listening, Mr. President?  Since most of your administration consists of holdovers from the Clinton years, I’m sure a few of them remember this braindead policy.

I want to keep an eye on this debate, and I’d like to hear comments from anyone out there with an opinion on it.

Have it good,



November 18, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Veteran’s Day shoutouts!

It’s that day again, the day where we as Americans honor our men and women in uniform around the world with our thoughts and prayers.  Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman Tony Sutton said it very well in his statement issued today:

“Like all Americans, today we come together to proudly honor and express our heartfelt gratitude to our nation’s armed forces veterans for their heroism, courage and commitment to country.  As we honor America’s veterans, we resolve to never forget their sacrifices.  While our deep appreciation can never be fully expressed in words, we recognize that it is because of the selfless dedication of American veterans in defense of freedom around the world that the United States of America will always remain the ‘last best hope of Earth.'”

Here’s a shoutout to all my friends and family who have served (or are on their way):

First and foremost, my dad, a 20+ year officer in the Navy, Navy Reserve and ND Air Guard. 

My good friend Sgt. Gabe Anderson, USMC who is roaming around the Pacific god-knows-where, haha. 

Hey Justin, if I’m counting right you’re almost done with Navy Boot! 

My grandpa (R.I.P) who did his time for the Army in the Pacific.  I wish I knew more about him and what he did, that could be a project for a later day…hmm..

Anyone else I know who might’ve slipped my mind (it’s late, gimme a break), I thank all of you for the sacrifices you have made to keep us safe.

Veterans Day pic

Have it good,


November 11, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment